Da Voar Redd Up is one of Shetland’s award winning clean ups, the UK’s most successful community litter-picking event, with around 4,500 (20% of Shetland’s population) volunteering each year. The Redd up is organized by ‘Shetland Amenity Trust’ and the event makes a huge contribution to the protection of Shetland’s natural environment and wildlife, clearing Shetland’s beaches, coastlines and roadsides of litter and the debris washed up by winter storms.
Shetland born and bred, we are passionate about protecting our natural environment and wildlife and have been contributing to this annual beach clean up from a very young age. As a business, we sign up for this event every year as team, below is a photo from last year when Marvyn & Marie took part with Brian (behind the camera). The local saying for not to throw rubbish is “dunna chuck bruck”.
It’s very easy to get involved, you can sign up by clicking on the link below.
When you register, you will be provided with Redd Up bags. These identify Redd Up rubbish, making it easier for the trust to record it.
Registering allows you to choose a Redd Up location and allows the trust to make sure that different groups are not cleaning the same places. This not only means that more of Shetland gets cleaned, but also gives them a more accurate record the amount of litter that has been collected.
During registration, you will be able to specify a roadside collection point for all of your bags. Redd Up rubbish can only be picked up from these locations
After you have registered, Shetland Amenity Trust will prepare your bags for you and let you know when and where they can be picked up. Unfortunately, they are not able to provide gloves. If your chosen location is unavailable, they will get in touch to discuss alternative options.
If you do take part, be sure to share your Redd Up photos on instagram and facebook using #dunnachuckbruck and #dvru2024, or email any Redd Up photos you’d be willing for the trust to share to rory.tallack@shetlandamenity.org with your group name, location and any other details or interesting finds!